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Our Mission 

Epsilon Eta is a gender-inclusive environmental service organization founded in 2017. We offer a community for undergraduate students interested in environmental service and incorporating environmentalism into their careers and everyday lives.


Our members come from a variety of disciplines and majors as we aim for interdisciplinary and intersectional environmentalism. We actively promote community resource sharing for academic and professional success in the environmental realm and uplifting our members’ lived experiences. Epsilon Eta is a fraternity with multiple chapters across college campuses in the United States; we are not associated with traditional Greek life.​


As students of UC Berkeley, we recognize the privilege of our education and access to resources. We understand our role in the colonization of Ohlone land and how we actively benefit from occupying unceded territory. We ground ourselves in the principles of environmental justice. Our goal as an organization is to acknowledge the intersectionality of the climate crisis and use our collective skills to serve UC Berkeley, Bay Area communities, and sites of ongoing environmental concern.


Volunteer with community organizations and host internal service events and fundraisers

Professional Development 

Connect members to internship and job opportunities. Host professional panels and alumni networking events

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Host study sessions, share class resources, and access to textbook library

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Engage with the wider Bay Area environmental community and make lasting partnerships with organizations both on and off campus.

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